Options are a great way for all investors, regardless of experience or risk tolerance, to expand their portfolios and make money in the stock market-whether the market is going up or down.
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Options are the perfect vehicle for increasing your leverage, allowing you to turn a small investment into exponentially large rewards. They can also be used as an insurance policy, protecting your investments in case of a market downturn. In short, options are a tool that every investor should understand and potentially put to use.
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In this book, you'll learn all the ins and outs of stock options, from basic puts and calls to more exotic straddles and spreads. By the end of this guide, you'll have a complete understanding of trading options and be able to put them to use in your own portfolio implementing both simple and more advanced strategies. Included are many real world and easy to follow examples so you will be able to clearly understand each of the principles and strategies discussed in action.
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Safe and Secure Payments. Easy returns. There are many strange and bizarre stories he tells from through the crash of October This bible will now always sit along side the regular bible in the bedside drawer. Options trader Guy Cohen has captured the beauty of options as a flexible trading vehicle with this book.
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Volatility strategies 3. Sideways market strategies 4. Leveraged strategies 5. Synthetic strategies. Even the newest trader will find his insightful explanations of the most complex strategies clear and concise.
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Some of his rules to live by that I like are:. This is a good book for a beginner investor. He offers additional insights into avoiding losses and using technical analysis to pick optimal stocks and times to buy and sell.
Options - Investments
Possibly the best book available for options trading beginners as it provides great clarity on all the main options concepts and strategies. Visual tools are used throughout the book as a way for the new options trader to enhance their learning experience. Cohen will help you master practical strategies for profiting in any market environment.
Options as a Strategic Investment. I have read it many times cover to cover as well. He writes it as a story of a mentor and a student which makes it more interesting to read. Both books were published this year I use his simple strategies for very successful capital growth. Gav, Thanks for all your help.
5 Best Books About Options Trading
My recommendation for your reading list. Options Trading Books — Recommended Reading. We will not share or sell your personal information.

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