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The options trade on Marathon Oil

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Log in. Privacy Policy. Service status. Submit a Podcast. About us. At the time of my "Options Action" appearance, I had a basic understanding of options, such as calls, puts, strike prices, expirations, writers, buyers, and other such terms.

Stock Options

I understood covered calls and rolling options. For those of you who don't have a basic understanding of options, you can catch up here at this link after you finish this blog. In preparation for my appearance on the show, the producers asked me to talk about a stock that I either had a long position in currently, or one that I would be buying into long, on that day. Although I identify myself as mainly a daytrader who would not ever hold a stock as long as a month as with this SLW purchase, I was comfortable holding onto SLW because of the company's strong fundamentals.

Below is an assessment I had lots of help from number-crunchers to assemble these numbers of the recommendations from both the CNBC experts and others who wrote to me after I appeared on the show. If I had followed Ajay's advice, I would have had the largest gain for the simplest play.

Instead, I made a number of different trades, ending up gaining second best to Ajay. My play was complex because I wrestled through many things, including doub t, a regaining of confidence in my stock choice, a gain in confidence in working with covered calls, and a few other things.

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I learned many new things about options from appearing on "Options Actions," which was a catalyst for my jumping into options trading. Here are some valuable Options guidelines for options newbies to consider:.

Enjoy using all of those different options strategies and may the odds be in your favor when it comes to being on the right side of the trade. Receive full access to our market insights, commentary, newsletters, breaking news alerts, and more.