This tactic gives suppliers the opportunity to adjust their sales prices to counter the currency value shift and remain price competitive. Further, these negotiations, especially when they are done during the contracting stage, can include escalation and de-escalation clauses, where this form of risk is shared between the companies. Other mitigation techniques can include suppliers switching or reallocating volume for reducing the effects of FX risk, financial hedging, and natural hedging.
Further, the power balance in the relationship will also partly determine how FX risk is mitigated. For example, building in flexibility by switching suppliers or reallocating volume may be a viable strategy when there are no production capacity constraints and the relationship with the supplier is more transactional. However, it may be the incorrect decision if the supplier is considered strategic to your success. Understanding the relationship between yourself and a supplier is also key to successfully using negotiation as an approach to mitigating FX risk.
By establishing rules at the very beginning of the negotiation, you may create efficiency and limit opportunistic behaviors by your suppliers. Having strong, established relationships and rapport with suppliers is an important requisite for negotiating contractual terms in response to FX risk. When determining what approach to take in mitigating FX risk, companies should ask themselves, what is the true value of the supplier or customer? Is FX risk considered a win-lose game, where one organization gains temporary financial benefits from currency valuation shifts at the expense of the other?
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Or is it an opportunity to mutually discover opportunities for financial success? Supply chain relationships are not just external. Internal supply chain relationships with other business functions such as production, finance, and marketing should be taken into consideration. How can we work with them in mitigating FX risk?
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Are there opportunities for creating a natural hedging strategy with marketing and sales? How do our decisions affect production? Creating a supply chain FX risk mitigation strategy cannot be done in isolation.
It needs to incorporate both external and internal supply chain partners and functions. There is no question about it—firms are subject to a myriad of uncertainties that can detrimentally affect their profitability. Currency fluctuations and their inherent risk is one such uncertainty supply chain professionals need to be aware of and incorporate into their plans for managing their supply chains and contributing to corporate profitability.
The five principles provided in this article shed some insight into what factors you may want to consider when creating such a strategy. Examples are having the managerial flexibility that is, the option to expand, abandon, or contract a project, based on different states being realized in future. We use cookies to provide you with a better experience. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy.
Home » Five principles for creating a supply chain foreign exchange risk mitigation strategy.
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October 23, George A. Zsidisin , Barbara Gaudenzi , and Roberta Pellegrino. No Comments. Looking upstream and downstream It is important for firms to know where in their supply chains they could be exposed to foreign exchange rate risk. I prodotti devono essere ritirati entro 5 giorni dall'ordine, salvo richieste particolari, in via Scuderlando, - Verona Italia. I prezzi per la vendita al dettaglio presso lo store possono differire da quelli per la vendita online.
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