The good news is that we have a sample size of trades. The following a few hints:.
I have a simple philosophy regarding trading stops. Use the widest stop loss as possible. Yes, you can turn a losing strategy into a winning strategy by employing different stop sizes. But if your strategy requires a tight stop or a small stop, then you are playing with a delicate trading strategy.
And a delicate trading strategy, that requires a lot of input is a strategy doomed to failure. Avoid this problem by only employing strategies that work across a wide spectrum of stop amounts. As you can see, the size of the stop loss is pretty irrelevant. The bias remains apparent, irrespective of the amount of the stop loss. I want to give the market enough time and room in order for the bias to reveal itself.
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No two developers are going to give the same answer as to when a trading strategy should be retired. But, I will tell you my own procedure for turning a strategy off. I simply calculate a periods simple moving average of the equity curve.
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Please notice on the above equity curve, which you will see as a jagged red line. And then notice that under the equity curve is a smooth blue line. The smooth blue line would be periods, simple moving average of the equity curve.

Once the equity curve dips below the average, then it would be time to turn off this trading strategy. Once again, there is much debate as to when to turn on or turn off a trading strategy. But the hard and ugly truth about trading strategies is that all trading strategies are eventually doomed to failure. All markets change over time. Nothing lasts forever. So you need to have something built into all of your trading strategies that put them into the graveyard.
How to install the Heiken Ashi indicator on your chart:
This might be disappointing for many to read, but its the hard truth. In my opinion, the key to surviving is to accept that the markets are always in a state of change. What is apparent today, will be gone tomorrow. So you have to be always be searching. Always researching. Never give up asking questions and backtesting different hypothesis. Always keep digging. The moment you stop researching is the moment you seal your fate.
Failure will never stop chasing you. Wow, this blog post is now over words.
Sorry, I took so much of your time. Thanks for making it this far! Stay calm. And use the backtesting tools the are readily available. Test stuff! Once you figure out how to code your own strategies and test differing trading indicators, a whole new world is going to open up. Thanks for reading. And if you need help testing your own ideas, you can always email me with questions.
I can usually code any trading idea in less than a minute. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. From a reading standpoint your write up is just amazing.. I would like to know how to restore confidence and turn these negative results into positive results. I have studied the behavioral part a lot. Thank you. Rob B — Do you still have links to your brokerage statements? I must have missed the posting to your statements but would be interested in looking at them if still avail. I am sure the link is somewhere, but it was a complete WOT Waste of Time as just had insane shills commenting.
These folks have no clue about Real Return on Money. Plus honestly your brokerage statement does not show the whole story. As I have stated I am a full time investor and with Real Estate once again exploding in value at least in my area I am currently mostly focused on Real Estate as right now there is more money to be made in that than in short term Stock Trading. In fact when DTChurn mentioned me being absent for awhile I was in another state rehabbing a house.
Heiken Ashi - Candles, Trading Strategies, Charts, and Tips
Though I must admit I was surprised anyone even noticed me being gone. Last bit of advice. I do not microscalp futures for 4 ticks and make 20 trades a day. In fact even when actively trading I find nothing worth trading most days. Personally, I do not short or trade options except as a hedge.
In fact I think you will find most successfully investors use options in that manner.
Heiken Ashi Strategies: It works. Sometimes.
Even during the NASDAQ bubble when prices where insane and going hyperbolic, shorts got killed unless they nailed the top as the prices just kept going higher. I think your most successfully short traders have some inside information or create the news story, like short lumber liquidators and then have a news story they are not carb compliant. The problem with shorts is your risk is infinity while with longs you are limited to your investment. What I try to do is see if there is a way to find a long. And I will give you an example of a true story in this regards. But when you started to have tech companies with no earnings or earnings prospect trading for greater market cap than Walmart, I said this is a bubble and I recommended buying Real Estate.
This was before anyone ever heard of a Real Estate bubble. And no one was interested. I was told I was out of touch and it was about eye balls. Well we all knew how that movie ended. At that time there were radio shows telling people do not buy a house because it was dumb and instead buy NASDAQ stocks.
How the Heiken Ashi Technique can Give Your Trading Strategy an Edge
The point I am trying to make is if you keep you head on your shoulders when there is a bubble instead of shorting it; look for other investments that are being beaten down because no one is investing in them. Anyway that is my advice, and it is worth the price of admission. Yes, I know, I know. So many of the Real Estate educators claim that one does not need money to buy real estate, and come on the tee vee in the late night to tell us so. Guess what, all those folks are just the Real Estate equivalent of the TR that Emmett has been skewering in here.
You are right there are no shortage of scam artist in the Real Estate world. And I have seen people lose their shirt. Real Estate is more like a business and you better know the business or you will lose money. I have yet to meet anyone make money in Real Estate that are clueless or make a fortune sitting on your butt like some vendors promise. The successful ones are Real Estate Brokers or Business men who understand construction or like me who are a combination of both. I will say once you prove yourself it is easier then you think to get hard money lenders. Have you not had a cousin or uncle tell you about the money he lost investing in some real estate scam.
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