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If your business differs from the classification s below, notify your WSIB account representativeIf this form is not received by the due date, the WSIB will calculate a premium for the reto verify the earnings and deductions declared from the employer's recordsIf not the reason may be that our records do not show your most recent repSection B - Allocation of Total Insurable Earnings by ClassificationEmployers are required to keep accurate records of all earnings aI hereby certify that I am an owner or authorized officer resnd deductions declared on this form The WSIB must be ableform and on any documents attached is true and correct.
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See Appendix I for a list of items considered insurable and Appendix II for a list of items considered non-insurable for premium calculation purposes. With the exception of those items listed as non-insurable in Appendix II, all other earnings are considered insurable for WSIB purposes. Examples of the most common insurable earnings are listed in Appendix I, which is a general list and is not exhaustive.
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The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines on determining the insurable earnings of workers, and contractors covered as workers, through their principal's WSIB account. For information on insurable earnings in the construction industry, see , Insurable Earnings - Construction. Principal - A person or business entity awarding or letting a contract to a contractor or sub-contractor. Contractor and sub-contractor - A person or business entity providing contractual services to a principal. The business relationship between a principal and a contractor includes the relationship between a contractor the principal in this relationship and a sub-contractor the contractor in this relationship.
Therefore, the term "contractor" includes sub-contractor in this policy. The term "earnings" relates to the individual worker; whereas, the term "payroll" is the total earnings of all workers reported by the employer. Earnings are the total employment earnings of a worker from any source, which are capable of being estimated in terms of money. There are two kinds of earnings, insurable and non-insurable.
Only insurable earnings, subject to the maximum earnings ceiling set each year, are included in the premium calculation. Insurable earnings for premium calculation purposes are not always the same as average earnings for benefit purposes, see , Determining Short-Term Average Earnings. Section 25 1 employer contributions for employment benefits on behalf of injured workers are not considered earnings, and are not included in the calculation of premiums.
In industries other than construction, sole proprietors, independent operators, partners, and executive officers of corporations, as accepted by the WSIB, are not considered workers, and are not insured by the WSIB, unless they have voluntarily elected WSIB optional insurance.
Unless otherwise stated, any subsequent reference to contractors refers to individuals in industries other than construction. Insurable earnings include amounts reported on an earnings statement, or wage slip before any deductions are made for income tax, Employment Insurance EI , Canada Pension Plan CPP , health care plans, loan payments, union dues. For further details, see , Optional Insurance. If a contractor who is not registered as an employer with the WSIB for any portion of the period under contract with the principal is found to have employed workers, then the principal is liable to pay the premiums owed retroactively for the insurable labour portion of the contract between the principal and the contractor.
The extent of the add-back of earnings to the principal is determined by , Employer Premium Adjustments. To calculate the portion of insurable earnings and the resulting premiums payable to the Ontario WSIB when. The Table is also used in cases where the WSIB finds that an unregistered contractor has employed workers. In these cases, if there is evidence that the contractor supplied major materials or heavy equipment, then the WSIB uses Column B to determine the labour portion of the contract between the contractor and the principal.
Major materials means major structural, mechanical and electrical components, such as. Heavy equipment means any large item of capital equipment used in the landscaping industry, such as. The WSIA sets an annual maximum ceiling for average earnings as the basis for the calculation of benefits.
In addition, the WSIA provides that the insurable earnings of an individual worker for the purpose of premium calculation be limited to the same maximum for average earnings set for benefit purposes. Excess earnings for an individual worker are any earnings that are above the annual maximum insurable earnings amount.
Excess earnings are not insurable and premiums are not paid on them. An annuity purchase is a way to convert your investments to a guaranteed lifetime income stream, providing the security of a set monthly payment that can cover part or all of your fixed expenses. However, flexibility is not a feature of annuities. If your fixed expenses increase, annuities do not allow you to adjust payment amounts to meet changing needs. With annuities, you are trading market risk and account growth for the guarantee that you will not outlive your account balance.
For more information about annuities, including the TAP Annuity, visit purchasing an annuity. That new information will soon appear in your online retirement account. If you prefer to fill out and mail in a printed form, select this link. Members, you can update your beneficiary information from your online retirement account. Plan Choice. Plan 3 Insights. Defined benefit employer funded pension. Defined contribution your investment contributions.
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Total Plan 3 benefit. The defined benefit is guaranteed and is not dependent on investment performance. Service credit years SCY The number of years you are credited for working. And a contribution you select. Under the defined contribution part of Plan 3, a portion of your pay is directed to investments that you select from a range of offerings managed by the Washington State Investment Board. These next sections discuss your contribution rate options and the investment programs that are available to you.
Choose from six contribution rates. Choosing a rate Ideally, you want to choose your contribution rate based on three considerations: retirement income needs, years until retirement and current budget. Resources Online tools and calculators can help you determine the impact and benefits of different contribution rates. Choosing Your investment options. Retirement Strategy Funds From lowest risk to highest. Build and Monitor Funds From lowest risk to highest. To determine which one might be right for you, ask yourself these questions: Do I want to select my own mix of individual funds?
Am I comfortable deciding how much to invest in each fund?