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Although ECNs allow after-hours trading until 8 pm for U. The information contained in this website is for information purposes only and should not be used or construed as financial or investment advice by any individual. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable, but no representations or warranty, expressed or implied is made by Q uestrade, Inc. Q uestrade W ealth M anagement I nc.

Can I buy/sell Options in pre-market trading session?

QWM and Questrade , I nc. Q uestrade, I nc. For Canadian listed securities: Canadian stocks do not have a pre-market. Must be Limit at the Last price the security was traded at on its native exchange i.

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Need more help? Chat with us. Call Email us. Options trading market hours run from a. Eastern Standard Time, though you have likely heard news reports about the results of after-hours options trading. After-hours options trading occurs during one of two sessions outside of normal market hours. These periods are called after-hours options trading , which occurs after the market has closed, or pre-market trading, which is a session before the opening bell rings. In general, both sessions may be referred to as extended-hours trading.

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After-hours options trading can be beneficial for:. The ability to trade during extended hours has now been made possible by a computerized matching system referred to as the electronic market.

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Simply put, the electronic market works by matching up buy and sell orders. When it finds a match, the trade is completed.

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In the event no match is found, the order will not be completed. Many companies will offer trading services after hours and charge the same commissions as those performed during the regular market day. There are several order types available to you if you decide to take advantage of extended-hours options trading. These include:. There are some differences between regular session trading and trading that occurs after hours.

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When trading after hours, not all types of orders may be accepted, and you can only use limit orders for buying, selling, or shorting. You may not be able to place orders that contain special conditions or restrictions such as:. The restrictive nature of these special orders, both with timing and completion, makes it difficult to trade after hours. Therefore, these types of orders are often not accepted when trading before or after regular session hours commence.

After-hours trading was once reserved for institutional investors, but now with the ECN capability, it is widely available for any level of investor.

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