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Its because in stocks, they are lending you REAL money instead of just contracts, so that you could buy and sell your shares, and the main point is to control the debt. Don't you wonder that in these days, there are brokers providing high leverage? No problems with that , but what is the difference?

Currency Trading: Buying Foreign Currency and exchanging it later for higher rate - Assim Al Hakeem

If the leverages like can be given for currencies trading then why it cannot be given in stocks trading? So, the currencies belongs to the country and country belongs to its governor, then to whom the currency belongs indirectly? A discount? Let me ask you a simple question. Do you think that brokerage firms are that much rich to lend you billions of dollars on every trade you make? Lets say that if the broker have a order of standard lots customers, 1 lot from each at a time, it means that all customers have 1, USD and having the leverage of , then do you imagine what would be the amount of so called lending procedure?

It turns to Million Dollars , How the hell Million Dollars could even be printed in just a day. Even banks lack such kind of funds for immediate delivery, brokers are far from that. I have done enough research on leverage, and with my understanding, I am at the conclusion that leverage in FX doesn't means lending, it means, discount trading in terms of Forex.

Think about the customers, most of the brokers have , of customers and they order the minimum of 0. Will not it turn into billions? Its just a matter of electronic paper works. Its their system where orders take place of-course in a bank's system. Why you extend your positions by giving swap? Well, the main question remains same. If the FX trading is permissible or not.

We're looking for the peace in both worlds. It is unfair that we dis-respect the orders from our God and just care about this temporary world? How much time we can live in this earth? Okay, years at most. The avg is 60 years. Do you want the paradise for eternity OR paradise in this world for averagely 60 years and then hell-fire for eternity. The reason I am saying is that, I want you to think seriously and answer the question because it is the matter of Riba. Even I am not yet confirmed if dealing in Forex is okay or not.

So, I thought that asking from you here will be a good idea. The main question remains same.

Zakir Naik On Forex Trading | O Que E Easy Forex

It is just the information I thought to give you about leverage because it is the first reason your scholar will give you to say that it is impermissible. Information is given so that you could think enough about whether it is okay to go ahead or we should leave this profession. Again, the major reasons which scholars give when they say that it is impermissible: - Possession of currencies We get ownership rights but only some scholars understand electronic rights - Use of margin. Without borrowing, no chance of business.

Online Forex Trading by Dr Zakir Naik

Remember that I don't think borrowing of funds exists. Specially when it is interest-free? Hello Friends, Another possibility is that, we maybe are working with credit transactions instead of simple loans. Most likely, simple loans of that high amount cannot be given because it is obvious that it will be less secured for the banks to do that. But, do they really let us trade on credit transactions interest-free?

Well, not actually. Even if it is the credit transaction, it will remain interest-free till overnight hours come. Whether you can name it fees, or commission or swap or directly interest. Your naming preferences will not make the reality different because in credit transactions, the rule is that: "Money cannot grow because of time.

OR else, it will fall in the meaning of Riba" Riba means, an increase on any type of loan. Whether simple loan or credit transactions. Credit transactions are halal as long as money don't grow because of time. It is not only halal. It is the sunnah the method of our prophet's companions. I hope that this post will enable you to think more. I am thinking that green-light may come for us so that we could trade Forex easily, without having doubts or confusions, because it is must to avoid the things on which you have doubt.

Specially the doubt of riba.

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Because you want to become an overnight success, buy your own tropical island and flit there in your private jet. Difference between the marginal trading leverage in stocks. He is also the founder of the Peace TV channel. This usually entails rollover fees, but when trading with a Forex dr zakir naik forex trading Islamic account, these fees are waved.

However i discovered a strange fact. As such, they fail at both of them. He fled from India in. Pertama, secara keseluruhan Dr. As i reach cash out number 6, i have also reached 15 invites. Zakir Naik is a renowned bigot who infiltrates hate into the minds of his fellow Muslim followers and divides them from non-Muslims.