In each time zone across the world, Forex markets operate in different time zones. Thus, to take advantage of significant trading volume, it is worthy to find out when Forex market hours in different countries overlap. So, it becomes obvious that in case of low liquidity taking very high profit is much more difficult, that is why experienced traders prefer trading when there is high liquidity and more chances for high profits. You may have a question how to be involved in Forex market?
The answer is quite simple: through broker-. Brokers are the ones who give an opportunity to small investors to initiate operations on the Forex market. For becoming a client of a broker, one needs to open an account and make a deposit. The deposit requirements vary from broker to broker. For the purpose of increasing the clients profits, every company establishes certain credit level, which is called leverage. The difference between them is called Spread. Surely, this spread is different depending on the currency pair and the clients prefer low spread, because, in fact, it is the cost of their trading activity.
The spread is greater for those currencies that are traded less frequently, thus the spreads of major currencies is quite low. IFC Markets offers low and fixed spreads to its clients which makes the company more attractive for the clients. More precisely saying, it is the availability to make profit from a large position in the market for a small cost, known as margin. Different companies provide different leverage sizes.
For instance, IFC Markets suggests up to leverage. There are some leverage limitations depending on the account types. Click here to share.
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For instance, when selling an apartment, how many buyers can you find for only 1 second? Zero How many of them can you find during a day? Maybe In contrast, Forex market does not have such limits, as a trader may open positions and make deals with the market maker only in 1 second. High liquidity is highly attractive point for every investor because it enables the possibility of entering and exiting the market with any volume. Forex traders do not need to wait to react on an event as it happens in other markets. For trading one needs just to have a laptop or a mobile and Internet connection.
Take into consideration that at the weekends Forex market is www. Currencies are written in ISO codes, which have become a traditional international practice. These codes have only 3 characters: the first two characters stand for the country name and the last character stands for the currency name. The first currency is known to be the base currency, whereas the second one is the quote currency. In SELL position, as well, the decision is based on the exchange rate, which shows how many units of the quote currency you will get when. Certainly you buy a pair when you predict it will appreciate and sell it, when you think that it will depreciate.
In general, the currencies are quoted against the US dollar. There is a measurement of the change in value between the two currencies, which is called a Pip. The numbers after.
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In fact, the pips are the smallest changes in the price of the currency pairs. When saying that there was a change with 1 pip, in quotation it implies to be a change of 0, the fourth symbol after coma. Types of Currencies: Major, Minor and Commodity The list of Major Currencies includes all those currencies that are most actively traded in the market.
The prices of major currencies are less unstable than those of other currencies. Actually, there is a quite large range of such currencies, which may assuredly be included in this list, but the most important ones are Australian dollar, Canadian dollar and the New Zealand dollar.
It is also worth to know that the major currency pairs always are those quoted with the US Dollar. It should be noted that there are currency pairs which do not have USD neither in base nor in quote currency; such currency pairs are called cross pairs. In general, experienced traders deal with cross pairs, as for effective trading with them it is required to have good economic knowledge of different countries. And, finally the Commodity currencies are of those countries, Click here to share. Basically, currency pairs are traded in , units standard lots , 10, units mini lots or 1, units micro lots.
Just for keeping in mind lets bring an example.
In case of opening a micro position 0. If you want to buy the base currency and sell the quoted currency, this means that you are expecting the base currency to rise so as to sell it back at higher price. Such positions are used to be known as Long positions. In contrast, if you want to sell the base currency for buying a quote currency, this means that you want the base currency to fall in price so as to buy it at a low- er price. Such positions are known to be as Short positions. When speaking about the prices of the currencies, we have already mentioned that their prices are called rates.
Anyway, it is very important to mention that in Forex every quotation. The bid price is the price at which the broker is ready to buy the base currency for the quoted one, while the ask price is the price at which the broker is selling the base currency for the quoted one. So it can be understood that the con- cepts of buying and selling in relation to you are actually reversed. Buying and selling in this formulation is not per- formed by you, but by the party offering you a quotation.
More precisely saying, if you need to buy a base currency, you need to look at Ask price, while selling, you need to take into consideration the Bid price. Based on some technical analysis you have assumed that the euro is going to fall in value. That is why you make a decision to buy 10, EUR 0, 1 lot at 1.
No one has to have that 13, US Dollars in order to buy Euro. Your deposited money may be much less, but due to the leverage provided by the broker you will have the opportunity to trade with high volumes. You just need to deposit an amount, which is considered to be the margin for providing you with higher virtual credit amount. For example, you may have leverage.
In this case you www. If your predictions come true, and Euro rises, you then decide to sell at 1. In this case you have to sell your Euros at Bid price 1. Thus, we are buying back the USD, but selling at higher price 1. So, we end up with 13, USD. Price movements depend on very many factors such as economic conditions, political policies, economic announcements made by influential officials, and many more.
So, it is still possible to predict the market. There are mainly 3 analytical methods in Forex market: technical Analytics, Fundamental and Sentimental. We will refer to all of them separately. Technical Analysis This type of analysis is based on the assumption that the trend of the exchange rate is already incorporated in the history of their past fluctuations. The basis of such an assumption is that the history tends to repeat. A trader, using technical analysis, builds charts of currency rates, finds trend lines on those charts, determines the shape of a trend reversal and calculates various mathematical indicators, on the basis of which makes the decision to open a long or short position.
Certainly it is important to understand that the concrete prediction is impossible, because the factors affecting the currency rates are physiological, political, economic, and so on. In technical analysis of the Forex market trading frames are generally considered. In fact, the time frames are the following: 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15, 30, 60, 1 day, 1 week and 1 month.
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Numerical study of the time frames is not very comfortable, and is almost never used by traders for forecasting. Mainly, temporary charts are built. By Chart analysis it is implied that for predicting the market solely graphical images of the market are used price graphics, volume graphics and its graphical models. Actually these are the simplest methods as they do not require any software. So, 5 basic types of charts may be distinguished: Tick chart Line chart Bar chart Japanese candlesticks Point and figure chart.
Speaking about technical analysis it is highly important to mention the tools that are used by the traders most often: technical indicators and patterns. There is a quite large range of such tools, but we will illustrate the most used ones: TREND LINES - lines joining higher and higher low points uptrend or lower and lower high points downtrend. Prices breaking through these lines can point out the beginning of a possible change in price direction.
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Cyclicity indicators help reveal such cycles. Fundamental Analysis This type of analysis studies the macroeconomic events, political news and other events of the world which somehow affect the rates of the currencies. The main difference between the fundamental and Technical analysis is that the Fundamental one is based on the principle that the prices of the currencies on the Forex market are the reflection of supply and demand, which in their turns depend on fundamental factors of the economy.
In contrast, technical analysts do not consider the study of the reasons of price changes important and put an emphasis only on the study of the prices themselves. Bank code A-Z 4 letters representing the bank. Credit card will be subjected to.